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Guess Whose Back? Back Again .. Tell A Friend ..

Here we go, again.

It's been months, but I am back. I don't know if we will use the infamous tag line "back and better" so we can go with back and improving for the time being. I started to look at blogging as a chore instead of a passion project so I had to take a step back. It is ironic that I am back while my life is speeding up. Fashion month is approaching nevertheless the timing feels right, so here we are!

For those of you that are new - Hello! My name is Bianca Damionne (hence, the blog name). I am your average twenty-something year old trying to find their way. I work at FORD Models, Inc. as an executive assistant to the CEO and I have my own company (which I abandoned as well, but I am back for that as well now) called Positivebee. Those are the typical things people want to know about you, so here they are. Besides that I am a heavy reader, long-term thinker, lover of fashion, have an adventurous soul, opinionated by trade, recovering perfectionist, and as childish as they come.

Other than that I am similar to the sea of millennials trying to leave a legacy and build something bigger than themselves. "Big dreams" might be an understatement to what I want to accomplish, but I have to make it happen. This blog is a fresh start and my 'starting by just starting' action step. This is me putting my foot on the gas and just going for it all.

Welcome back to those who have followed the journey thus far and welcome aboard to the new people who are just joining. It is time to make it happen and build something big, together.

Let the journey begin.

Signing off - BEE.

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