Two days ago at work I was walking out of my boss's office when my vision started to get blurry. I started to get real hot and dizzy, so I got to the bathroom as fast as I could. I started to throw up (gross, I know sorry) and my vision went completely black. So here I am in my work bathroom with no vision, sweaty, throwing up, and my head pounding - how did I get here and why is this happening is the only questions I could ask.
I listened for one my coworkers with heels on to pass to get her attention, so that I could get help without causing a scene. Thank god for the connections I have formed at work because these two women went into action doing any and everything they could to bring me back to what was "normal". By the time I left work I felt fine, but very confused. Confused on how my body could just malfunction for twenty minutes (what really felt like forever), and then be fine.
I went to the doctors yesterday and was told that I tore something in my neck and was having spasms. What happened the day before was a combination of a spasm, margarine, and a panic attack. Which to me meant "welcome to the shit show", but in reality it meant my body was too tired to function properly. The doctor informed me of a lot of things and essentially told me that I would have to change multiple things in my daily routine to get better.
Funny how when you are reluctant to change life forces you to make the changes needed.
We live in a generation of "team no sleep" or "hustle harder" mentality. That lifestyle is not sustainable 24/7 365. Everyone needs a break and your body will tell you when you need a break (clearly). Please listen to the signs that your body is trying to tell you! There were 100% signs that I ignored for months straight leading to this moment. What happened was one of the scariest moments of my life, and for sure a wake up call.
As weird as this may sound - this needed to happened to me. If it didn't, I would still have the pressure in my head, back pain, and shaking in my left side. I would have kept saying "I am fine" and kept putting off seeing a doctor. I have indefinitely taken my health (mental and physical) for granted.
Do not wait until it is too late or you are forced to make a change to make a change. If you feel like your body is telling you something, listen. You only get one body and one life - act like it! When you finally listen to your body don't forget to also listen and take the advice of the doctor. Sometimes we do the one step and not the other. Both are important. Nobody knows you like you know you!
Nevertheless, please listen to the messages that your body sends you.