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Part of me wants to just say throw the whole 2018 away, but another part of me is like this year has been the most transformational year thus far in my life. This year has been the definition of trials and tribulations. I have been tested in more ways than I can even remember. 2018 was nothing I expected but everything I needed.

I am an "on go" type of person - I am always doing something, always on the run, and just overall restless when it comes to almost everything in my life. I don't really slow down much, because I always feel like I could be doing more. A blessing and a curse. At this moment I am laying in my bed instead of being at work. My body has forced me to slow down. On Thanksgiving I fell down the steps at my moms house. I hit every damn step HA.

It hurt when it happened of course but that was expected - I was seeing stars, having a hard time breathing, and my back was sore. I thought it would go away by the time I woke up but, nope. I was uncomfortable for days, but nevertheless I went to work on Monday just moving really slow and struggling. I went to the doctor and within minutes was ordered to go to the hospital for x-rays for fractured ribs. Thank god none of them are fractured, but almost all my ribs on my right side are badly bruised. I will be healing for quite some time, and just thinking about gives me anxiety. I got my medicine and went home. I was told to take it slow.

Against doctor orders I went to work the following day. because you guessed it .. I am restless. When I got on the train to go to work I already knew this wasn't going to the end the way I had hoped. I was already teary-eyed by the time I got to the door of my building. I stayed for a while until I literally just couldn't handle it. That was Tuesday and it is Saturday. I have been working remote since then. I have offered to go to work numerous time between then despite the immense pain I have been in. A blessing and a curse. I say all this to say sometimes your body (&/or the things around you) will force you to slow down because that's what it needs.

When I tore something in my neck last week I should have listened to my body, but I kept going at full speed. Although I couldn't necessarily control myself falling I could have controlled how I took care of my body afterwards. I have to slow down and heal as I have no choice now. A blessing and a curse. I have to alter everything I do now to really take care of myself and heal.

Slow down. Not everything needs to happen right now - the world will still go 'round if something doesn't get done right this instant, although it might feel otherwise.

Listen. Listen to yourself, your body, and others. Just listen. We tend to move so fast that we either don't listen, put it off to "later", or we half listen and we miss something. Slow down and listen to the things around you.

Remember you are your main priority. Take care of yourself as such. You can't pour from a glass that's half empty or has barely anything in it. You can't function at your best if you are working on fumes.

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