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21 Days - that's how many days are remaining in the year of 2018. 2018 has been one of the most trying year for me thus far, so I am not sad per se to see it go. 2018 was a mix of survival and rebuilding for me. I have been forced to be build the strongest foundation I think I've ever had, so 2019 will be a year of expanding what was built in 2018. These flowers were dying when I looked at them, but yet they were still so beautiful. A reminder that there will always be a little beauty in the struggle.

As a new year is approaching we are shedding the reminisces of 2018. Hopefully we are all letting go of the things &/or people that no longer serve us and focusing on what does serve us. I don't know about you guys but for me I am ready for a new beginning. I am not waiting for 2019 to start though to make the changes. I have already started to implement the lessons I have learned in 2018 to my new mindset and lifestyle. I am no under available for certain things. I have learned so much (& still learning) from the things 2018 taught me.

The things I have learned in 2018 are way behind this list and way more complex, but here are the simplest way to put my thoughts:

1. No is a full sentence.

2. It is okay to ask for help, even if it's from a professional. Everyone needs help sometimes. Don't be ashamed ask questions and seek answers.

3. You don't always have to be so strong - being vulnerable is strong too.

4, Everything you need is already inside you.

5. Perfection doesn't exist and striving for it will always be a losing battle.

6. It is okay to not know the next step. You just make a move and then keep moving. You can figure it out along the way.

7. If something you want doesn't exist .. create it.

8. Take care of yourself in all aspects - spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, etc.

9. Always seek more. Don't settle for anything in life.

10. You are you and that is your power. Be your biggest cheerleader.

11. Never stop learning. Never stop growing.

12. Things will happen that are out of your control and there is nothing you can do about it. The only thing you have control over is how you react and how you keep reacting.

13. You can truly create the life you want to life. I look around my place right now and I manifested a lot of things around me (I worked my ass off for it too).

14. Things could always be worse. Be grateful for it all.

15. You only get one body and you damn sure better take good care of the one you have.

16. Nobody and I mean nobody really has life figured out. You are doing fine!

17. Forgive. Not for them, but for yourself. I promise it will make the world of a difference. You are holding on to dead weight for no reason. Forgive and move on, but never forget.

18. Some of the darkest moments create the biggest breakthroughs. You will always have times where it seems like the world is crashing and burning, but rock bottom sometimes is where the true work starts.

This year was tough beyond what I could imagine. I want to say in this breakdown I had my breakthrough. I could say I now see the light at the end of the tunnel, but truthfully that would be a lie. I am the light and it took me almost a whole year to figure that out. Life is happening full circle for me still and its kicking my ass, but I have always be a fighter.


In other words (more ratchet words to say the least) - 2018 took me on a trip and back, but I AM BACK BITCHES and I am stronger now. 2019 I am coming for it all and then some.

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