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My great-grandmother was buried yesterday, and I am sitting on my couch trying to process it all. Life happens so fast, but yet we all feel like we have time at our disposal. We are always saying we will do something later or another time - that other time is not always promised. Time is an expensive thing to play around with, We feel like we have all the time in the world and sometimes we don't.

What do you spend most of your time doing? Is it productive? Is it something that propels you forward in life or are you doing tasks just to say you are doing them? Are you putting off something because you think you have time? Do you spend time wishing you were doing other things instead of actually doing it?

I reflected on how my time was spent this year and realized I took a lot of it for granted and wasted a decent amount of as well.

This is one of those post where I just needed to do and say things, but aren't imforatftive. I just want to say pay attention to where your time is going, express gratitude to thing and people in your life, and love those who love you. Time is not always on our side. If you want to do something, do it. You don't have to always wait for a "perfect" time or another time. Be intentional and live - like really live with all that you have so that you arent plagued by regret.

I didn't want to write a blog post today because .. feelings, but I told myself I was going to be more intentional about things I spend my time on. There is no time like the present, right? My words for the new year approaching are intentional, expansion, and consistency. What are you words for 2019?

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