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It has been a while since my last post, so welcome back! Things have been happening on my side, but as you will soon read I have nothing but time right now to get back into the swing of things and giving you all the content that I hoped to be producing for you since January. Let's get to these trials and tribulations that just took me for a spin...

Here we go - February 19th I complained that my leg hurt and February 20th I walked to work in pain. When I made it to work I realized I was dragging my leg but holding my stomach. I walked into my boss's office like I do everyday and instantly hit the floor. At that moment I realized exactly what the pain was because I had it once before.

I called my OB right away. I knew then I had a torsion, which is when your fallopian tubes are wrapped around your ovaries. When I went to the doctor it was confirmed and confirmed that I had a huge cyst as well. They told me I would have to have immediate surgery. They also told me that they couldn't go in laparoscopically like they did previously and they would have to cut my bikini line. There was some complications in the cyst that made the surgery hard - I was left in a rollercoaster of emotions but there was nothing that I could do. I had to get the surgery.

I am officially out the hospital and trying to get back to my normal routine. I have defeating moments when I cant do things that were so automatic at one point, but i'm trying to look at it as a learning process. I get to learn how to take care of my body again and that's a blessing. I am a very independent person so it is hard to have to depend on others to do things that I know I can do, but I am learning. I am also a busy body but recovery is about a month long and there is nothing I can do about that expect rest. There is nothing I can do but take it one day at a time.

This has definitely changed my perspective on various of things. I have taken numerous things for granted that I see as a luxury now. I was fine one day and not the other. Things can happen fast so take the time to appreciate every moment that you are given. Listen to your body when it speaks to you please! If you feel like something is off pay attention. You know yourself better than anyone else. I will be learning basic functions again but with a new outlook, so although this is not how I planned my year or month welcome to new beginnings.

I share a lot on my Instagram if you want a deeper look into the things I will be doing while in recovery.

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