Welcome to the generation of procrastination and diminishing attention spans. Did you know the average attention span of an adult in 2019 is about 8 seconds?! The enhancement of technology is linked to the constant decrease in those numbers. It is hard for one to focus when we are connected to the world by social media and bings of notifications. While typing that sentence 7 different notifications popped up on my computer, my apple watch, and my two phones. That's a lot of distractions when one is trying to focus on a task. We are working against time when we should be using it wisely.
Below are some of my favorite methods in ensuring my day runs smoother, more effective, and works on my time management:
Post - It List
Have you ever looked at your to-do list and instantly got overwhelmed? If so, it's okay it has happened to the best of us! I suffer from brain dumping on my to-do list, which then leads to only feeling anxious when I wasn't able to cross everything off. We set ourselves up with these unrealistic never ending to-do list. I have found a couple of things that work for me when it comes to-do list's.
First, you need to prioritize what needs to be done. Next, put your list on a post it. If your to-do list for the day cant fit on a 3x3 post it then it's too long and you'll be overwhelmed. You need to be strategic about what goes on your to do list so that you can make time work for you and not against you. Only put the task that need to be done or worked on for that day and save everything for later.
*If you still feel the need to brain dump I suggest having a notebook that is just for that. After the dump you create the post it list of just for the day.
Zone of Genius
Have you realized that during certain times of the day you are the most productive? I like to call that my zone of genius. I realize I am most productive from 9:30AM to 11:30AM and again around 2:20PM to 4:30PM. I know at those times I need to be doing my most important task because that is when my concentration is at a high. I get the most done during those hours. During the remaining hours of the day I do the everyday mundane task such as answering emails, following up on task, and setting up task for the following day.
If you want to find out when your personal zone of genius just monitor yourself for a couple days. See when you feel the most energized and productive versus when you feel sluggish and tired. When you have times build your schedule around that. You will start to see a big shift how much you get done in a day.
Time Blocking
Time blocking became important to me when I started working at FORD. This trick goes hand and hand with using your zone of genius as well. I answer emails at certain times, take meetings at certain times, and know I have an hour or so scheduled in for improv meetings that arise during the day. If I know I am productive around 9:30AM-11:30AM I know I wont schedule a meeting during those times (if I can help it) so that means I will block time in my calendar for meetings after those times.
Example: Answer emails from 8:30 to 9:15 - start working on all important big task for the day at 9:30AM to 11:30AM - debrief with my boss from 11:40PM to 12:40PM - have lunch from 1:00PM to 2:00PM - finish working on all important task for the day 2:20PM to 4:30 PM - answer all emails that I haven't answered, take improv meetings, and work on any other task that I can before end of the day 4:30 to 6:00PM.
Plan The Night Before
The simplest and most self explanatory advise, but probably the biggest time saver. When you have a plan for the day you can vitalize how you want it to go. You can set your intentions and put your plan in motions the night before, so when you wake up you already know whats on your agenda. You never want to be scrambling around in the morning and forget something in important.
Write your post it to-do list at night so in the morning you know what needs to be done and at the level of urgency it needs to be done. Showing up and being prepared will always make any day run smoother.
I hope these methods help you! If you have any other methods that you think will be beneficial to anyone reading this feel free to share as well!