I just finished my first therapy session of 2022 - whew the emotions.
I have been in and out of therapy since I was in middle school, but I took the initiative as an adult to go weekly a couple years back.I am proud I was able to make a decision for myself when I needed it the most. I stopped going due to the pandemic, but that was not smart on my behalf. I know now one thing I can not put on the back burner is anything that helps with my mental health. I need my therapist. She truly important to my life and I don't know why I let the pandemic get in the way.
(Sorry sis if you are reading this - you are valued and essential to me. I will never go this long without seeing you again!)
This is one of the topics that people shy away from or are ashamed to speak on if they go to therapy, especially in the African American community. I am unsure why exactly, but it has been the way since I can remember. People in my family would say “you don’t need therapy you’re not crazy” or “you don’t need a stranger all in your business” and I believed those statements for a while. Therapy isn’t for “crazy” people and I genuinely enjoying going to therapy.
I get real raw and uncut with my therapist. I don't hold anything back. I don't feel like I need to be strong or put up a facade for her. Sometimes I say something and I am like damn I didn't even know I felt that way. Therapy is my safe place in all aspects. I leave there with ways to cope with past and present issues, obtain different understanding of certain things, and overall unleash all my feelings with no judgement.
This year I am working hard on boundaries, wellness, and doubling down on investing in myself in different aspects post child. She already gave me homework that has me stumped, but I am willing to do the work again. She allows me to sit in my thoughts, guide me through uncomfortable moments, and assist with new/uncharted territory.
Before departing she hit me with "just because you aren't superwoman doesn't mean you are weak" bruh, okay. All in all, get yourself some therapy in 2022.
Thank me later.