On May 3rd I turned twenty four. I will not lie I cried like a baby. This year is clearly very personal for me after what I was gone through in these last couple of months. There are no words to truly express the feelings I have for making it this far. I made a promise to myself while laying in the hospital bed and I tend to keep it. Twenty four will be the year that I truly live and not merely exist. A lot is put in perceptive when you are forced to slow down and take inventory of your entire life. I indeed have a new outlook on life.
Below are the twenty four lessons that I have learned over the past twenty four years:
1. Always do the right thing.
2. Save now - doesn't matter if you have something to save for or not, just save now.
3. Never let your ego control your narrative.
4. Time is the only thing you can't get back. Remember that and act accordingly!
5. Don't be afraid to fail. Fail, fail fast, and then keep going.
6. Never stop trying.
7. Proper diet and exercise can truly change your life.
8. Stop taking life for granted. Start living now!
9. It's okay to distance yourself from people or things that no longer serve you. Let them go.
10. Trust your gut.
11. Never stop learning.
12. Travel - doesn't matter if it's in state, out of state, in the country or out of the country. Just experience the world.
13. Live in the now. You can get excited about the future but the now is all we have. Live as such!
14. Say yes. Although you may be scared to try something new, say yes.
15. Express your gratitude and love to the ones that are around you. Don't take solid relationships for granted.
16. Make time for yourself daily - create time for yourself with no distractions.
17. Create routines in your day - keep yourself accountable for those things.
18. Know it's not selfish to put yourself first. You should always be your first priority.
19. Set new goals and challenges for yourself. Never back down from your own goals - believe there is no glass ceilings.
20. The power of the tongue is serious - speak only great things into existence.
21. Be specific with yourself and goals.
22. Don't be the only thing standing in your way. No more self- sabotaging!
23. Everything happens for a reason.
24. This is not practice - you only get one life. This is not rehearsal. If you aren't satisfied with your life, change it!
*bonus: everything is figureoutable.
What are some of the lessons over the years that you have learned that aren't on this list? I would love to hear some for your go to advice for yourself or lessons that have shaped your life - feel free to comment below or reach out via email or instagram!