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In honor of my favorite boss's birthday, I thought I would share some of my favorite career advice. I have done a little bit of everything in my 12 years in the work field. I have held positions in household names like Ford Models, Inc & BET+ but also never shied away from working with mom-and-pop shops either. I have held so many titles such as brand ambassador, marketing coordinator, project manager, executive assistant, brand manager, office manager, freelancer, reseller, yoga instructor, camp supervisor, retail associate, etc.

All that to say I have had some really great experiences and learned a lot along the way. Below are some of my favorite pieces of advice - some from bosses and some that I made up. I live by them all.

Everything is figureoutable.

Be brand obsessed (treat the company like it is your company)

Proactive instead of reactive.

Never compromise your integrity.

Fill the gaps.

Be able to pivot.

Be coachable/teachable.

Never stop learning - stay curious.

Ask questions.

Work is a form of facts not feelings.

Create solutions instead of restating the problem.

Clarity is key.

Bonus: Work backwards to create a plan.

.. I think I just low-key created my brand values unintentionally by writing this blog post for you. Welp, if you see this again in my office space at least you will know how it came about :)


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