I know we've all heard the quote "if you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done" - but are you actually doing it? We are a few weeks into a new year, and it is easy to just let the days pass by. Tomorrow always sounds like a good day to start. I looked at my "goal" list and realized I have yet to change any of my actions and behaviors to align with my new goals. It's far too easy to keep doing what has always been done. I call this cruise control and I promised myself I would never cruise control through another year of my life.
I have a habit of always waiting for a moment to come and/or staying on autopilot. When I gave birth to my daughter I promised myself I would create and enjoy the moments instead of waiting for them. You can always take control of your day, life, work, etc. Are you still in high gear towards your goals or have you settled in already? Either way .. keep trying, keep expanding, take up space, keep trying. We always laugh at the gym being packed the first week of the year and then it dies down by now, but are you doing the same thing with your goals behind closed doors?
Disclaimer: I also take it one day at a time as my two days never look the same. They don't look the same, but I am still able to prioritize working on my goals daily. On the harder days I take the day second by second.
We can not be passive with our lives anymore. If 2021 has showed us anything .. it is go for "it" and to live life urgently.
Start tracking your goals daily with a habit tracker. Start using a timer to create time blocks for you to accomplish things. Create a time in your calendar for yourself. Set boundaries with yourself, family/friends, and job. Learn something new. Move your body daily. Stay in your lane and keep going forward. Make yourself and your goals a priority.
You want to lose/gain weight? Make intentional decisions and work at it consistently.
You want to increase your income? Gain new skills and work consistently
You want to have more free time? Create boundaries, say no, and delegate.
Moral of the story, live your life and stop letting the shit pass you by. You are the only person that can give you the life you want. You are in control so live your life urgently and in fullness. Let's agree to take that cruise control off and put on foot on the gas. You don't have to floor it and go from gas to 100 mph .. I am saying just put your foot on the gas.
"All gas no brakes" is taking the world by storm. I love the idea of it, but it also could leave you burnt out. Shit, I might need the brakes sometimes. I get tired just like everyone else. I am definitely putting my foot on the gas and living urgently BUT I will ease my foot over the break if my body tells me to (I won't stop completely).
How is your first month of 2022 going?