The ladies have Galentines on lock this year. Nothing is better than sisterhood. A night with my best friends feeds my heart and nourishes my soul. I love them DEEP. They make the world feel lighter and the day better. Unlimited laughter, memories, and unmatched vibes. We love that Galentines is getting the love it needs, but one time a year is not enough to celebrate each other. My friends and I try to get together at least once a month. It is easy to let other responsibilities take precedence over a date with friends, but adult friendships require commitment. True friendships are important. You make time for the people who make your life better. Some of my best memories are just sitting on the couch talking with my friends, but sometimes planned dates are the icing on the cake. Below are some of the ideas for our monthly meetings.
Here are some ideas for indoor friendship dates:
Pizza and PJS
Crafts and Cocktails
Mimosa and Movies
Boards and Babes
Here are some ideas for outdoor friendship dates:
Beat the bomb Area 53 LSC Afterdark
American Dream Mall (winebar, activate, escape room)