When I had my housewarming I thought I would share the house with you all, but sometimes that feels too intimate. My house is my happy place - but I will share glimpses throughout the upcoming months to highlight some of my favorite things in each room. Below are some of the little things that make my space a home. Let's start with the bathroom.
Touchless Motion Garbage Can Enough said. Bought it with no question and that is that.
Bluetooth Shower Speaker In the morning I listen to a podcast and at night I usually listen to a curated playlist. This is the product I didn't know I needed until I had it.
Automatic Soap Dispenser Again another purchase I bought with no hesitation. I don't like it when the bathroom sink is crowded, so when I found a soap dispenser that could go on the wall I was sold.
Clear Bamboo Bottles Things just look better when they are in uniform. There is no real "reason" for the purchase but it is purely cosmetic.
Disposal Hand Towels I have hand towels in the bathroom for decor, but for daily use the disposal hand towels are my go-to.
Preserved Eucalyptus Stems Multipurpose. It looks cute, but it also keeps my bathroom smelling like eucalyptus. Long-lasting smell.
Bath Stone Mat I will only have a stone mat from now on. I always felt like other rugs were holding onto water and were constantly being swamped out. Stone mat for the win.