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Wow, January is over just like that. We already a month down in 2021.

I am not going to lie I thought I would hit the ground running the minute the the ball dropped, but truthfully it has been more of a brisk walk. I have mixed emotions about it, nevertheless I am showing up daily to do the things I need to do. I have moved into my first home all while taking care of my daughter and working full time (thank you for the friends + family that helped me transition). That is an accomplishment for sure! I should have focused on that entirely but with the new year vibes - I was wanted more. I wanted to move in, be consistent with my blog, upload new content to my social media accounts + Poshmark, start a new business, focus on my daughter, get ahead at my job, etc etc. WHYYYY did I think I could do all of that flawlessly in just 31 days?

I think it is one of the downfalls of the social media society we live in. We feel the pressure to always be "on" or "hustling". It is always MORE, MORE, MORE. You feel the pressure to always be doing something that is moving us forward.

I am here to say it is okay to pause, breathe, and gather yourself.

January is already behind us - how did your first 31 days into the year go? Did your hold yourself accountable? Did you actually work on the goals that you set or did you just let the days slip by and say "tomorrow, I will do it."?

January has taught me a lot, but the most important thing is has taught me is that you are the only person who can make yourself want it. You have to begin. You have to do the work. You have to go after what you want. It really all begins with you. I quickly realized that if I didn't take myself and goals seriously then they wouldn't get done. I would have no one to blame, but myself.

January has also taught me a couple of other important lessons such as the ones below:

Celebrate all wins - big and small.

I accomplished buying my first home at the age of 25. It took me three years to accomplish and I did not celebrate it enough. I was on to the next thing. I am just now giving myself my kudos. Toast to all your accomplishments.

Get out your on way.

There are probably things you can be doing but instead you are talking yourself out of it. You are probably using excusing like I have no time, I don't have enough money, I will do it tomorrow/I will get to it, etc. I don't want to hear any of that! If you want it bad enough you will make it happen - get out of your own way.

Stop "researching" and just begin.

Research and preparation are important, but when that is all you are doing you aren't actually working. It is a form of procrastion and self doubt. Just begin. It doesn't have to be perfect, but you have to start somewhere. This blog post is a result of me just beginning. Take your first step - no matter what it is.

Sacrifices must be made.

No explanation needed for this one. You will have to give up old patterns, habits, and thoughts you reach new levels.

What have you learned this month?


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