Can we be real for a moment? Yeah?, Cool. Motherhood is hard as shit.
Yes, you love your child/children to end of the world and back, but that still does not make the ”job” easy. This a 24/7 365 all hands on deck never ending duty. Motherhood can easily consume your whole entire being. You hear about postpartum but nobody talks about the day to day trials and tribulations of what it really takes to be a mother. No two days are the same, and the minute you think you are in a groove something happens to throw you off your game. You are the leader, teacher, counselor, provider, schedule maker, lunch lady, etc. You wear many hats as a mother. The pressure alone could make a person fold, but as a mother you can’t fold. You just keep trucking along. You may need to punch the air, scream in the car, cry in the shower, (plug in whatever it is you do here), etc at times but you get the “job” done always.
It is okay to admit that the shit is hard. It is okay to not have it all figured out (none of us do). It is okay that you struggle. It is okay that you need a minute to yourself.
You are doing your best and your best is good enough. Please give yourself some grace.
Moms are truly modern day superhero's, but we have to know that is okay to take the cape down or off completely. You don't always have to be strong.
Being a mother is hard and now with social media there a zillion opinions, new methods, books, etc telling you what to do. It can be overwhelming - it can cause you second guess what you are doing. Remember that you know what is best for you and your child. Everything else is an extra resource to be taking with a grain of salt. Do what you can with what you have and how you can. Motherhood is already complicated don't make that shit any harder than it needs to be.
But my child has now thrown everything off the table and is unraveling toilet paper as I type this so let me go put on my mom cape and chase her around.
A overworked single mom getting shit done with minimal sleep doing her best.