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I have always been good, but honestly I have never allowed myself to be great.

I will find a way to talk myself out of something I truly want or know I can due to fear. I will write all my ideas down but then drag my feet when it comes to executing. I have decided that this is the year of great. I am ditching good and leaning into great. The fear probably wont go away, but I will do and be great regardless. This scares me shitless, but greatness doesn’t back down from fear.

Have you been holding yourself back from anything lately? If so, take one small step today to create the momentum. Effort creates action, action creates momentum, and momentum creates success. Stop standing in your own way. It is time to be great. It is time to let yourself go after whatever it is you want.

I realized that nobody knows what you are capable of unless you show them. Nobody will go harder for you than you will. I know it sounds cliche, but it is really is the truth. You can‘t except people to trust you if you don’t trust yourself. The way you gain (more) trust within yourself is to do the work. It will be a day-by-day and step-by-step process, but that what it takes to be great, and you’ve got what it takes.

Greatness awaits.

What are you trying to tackle in 2022? What does this year mean to you?

I challenge you (and myself) to use the next 365 days to propel yourself into whatever your version of greatness is. Use the next 365 days to work consistently on your big goal. It will be hard indefinitely but we got this! Let’s see how much we can truly achieve when we trade in good for great.

Greatness awaits.


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