I have been on the fast track my entire life. I have always prioritized money or the "big" goal over every thing else. I have sacrificed a lot and have put my health/well being in jeopardy one too many times honestly. I don't know anything different than literally putting the bag first.
This year I am choosing peace.
I took a week off work and when I came back I realized that my current way of living isn't sustainable for me. Your body will tell you when something is off - and mine started screaming. I would hear a slack sound and automatically tense up. I realized then I’m not doing it for the love of work anymore it is just strictly for the money. I was putting living on hold to just make money.
After a meeting this week - I closed my laptop and said “this time I am choosing peace”. Money is important but it’s not more important than my peace. Now, for the first time EVER … I am choosing my peace over money.
I don’t know exactly where that will lead me, but I know its somewhere peaceful. It will probably be stresseful but I am stressed now, so what is really the difference, right? It is a scary situation, but I am not scared. I am not scared because I am betting on myself and I know that I am not going to let myself sink. It is not in my nature. So, why not? Why not trust that I can make it happen?
I had to remind myself of a couple of things:
Money is limitless and everywhere.
I never lose when I bet on myself.
I can have money and peace at the same time.
Again, I am unsure where I am headed or what is coming next but I do know the shit will be peaceful lol. So, welcome to the journey of the peaceful unknown. Let's see what betting on myself takes me.
You can follow along here or my instagram @biancadamionne